We start our days by looking at our phones. However undesirable a trait it might be, that's how we function these days. If you are a content consumer, you click on your favourite app to check the latest post and notifications, and if you are a content creator, you click on all the platforms you engage on to find out the status of interactions and insights.
I am sure you must have considered what being in love with content is doing to our mind and body? Physiologically it is leading to tingling in our hands and limbs and postural issues, while mentally many experience brain fogging and feeling spaced out from time-to-time. And you don't need to be a doctor to know that a brain freeze where no frozen yogurt is involved is not a good brain freeze.
Being a content marketer, I have been there, done that, and suffered that, too. In order to create content that even a couple of people might find valuable, the amount of content I dig through goes beyond measure. And that itself is an exhausting process.
It is not just about finding quality content. There's really good content out there. I have signed up for a number of newsletters that I truly wish I could read regularly. I would be an even more effective DigiWitch, had I been drinking up on all those 🧪 potions (aka newsletters). But alas! They end up sitting on the shelf of my inbox, often unopened and on several occasions bookmarked for a later read.
The sheer number of emails flowing into my inbox every day is overwhelming. Being a content creator myself, I am often trying to find out the best on how to catch YOUR eye. How to be useful to YOU. And then I realized, this would be a good start. By helping you figure out how to handle content overload.
Here are a few tips to battle this issue. Pay heed and hope it helps.
Even if the article is 5-minute read, you DO NOT NEED to read every article, preposition, and conjunction in it. Skim through it.
Go through the Subheads and read on to dig in a bit deeper.
Backlinks are desirable for any content creator for better SEO results. But these backlinks can send you down the rabbit hole of moving from one article to another, in a never-ending search for more information.
You do not want to do that. So, while scanning make sure you are focused on why you clicked to read that particular article and stay there. DON'T BUDGE!
You found something amazing you would like to read, but time's running out and you have chores to do.
Go ahead and bookmark the page, so you can revisit them later.
You can pin them to your Pinterest board, FaceBook, and Instagram also give you a bookmark option and if it is a page that's open on your browser, just go ahead and add it to your browser's bookmark list.
Revisit it when you have time.
It is not just the quality of the content but also the way it is presented. I have seen that posts with less white space, more information, cluttered paragraphs, close spacing, and no pictures make the content load seem more formidable.
There's a reason why people love reading articles that have white space, nice pictures, and bold subheads. They find it easy on their minds. The white spaces give their mind a moment to breathe before they move on to the next para. The picture sparks joy/emotional connection.
Find yourself some blogs that are not just informational but also care about how they are presenting it all to you. Be choosy about what you subscribe to, how many backlinks you follow, and how long it takes for you to get to the crux, and make a list of these resources.
Stick to them for a while and get comfortable with their style and presentation. Do this before going on to the next set of resources.
These simple steps helped me cope with the content overload situation quite a bit. I hope it helps you, too!
Need more tips on how to go about marketing your brand?
Drop me an email at proma@digiwitch.com
Need help with content marketing? Schedule a free 30 minute consultation and let's find out how we can get more people to know about your business.
Photo courtesy: Pexels.com